この水路は、本丸堀と二ノ丸堀をつなぐ水路で本丸堀からの水を外に出す目的で築かれています。幅は約4.5m、江戸時代の深さは約4m、長さは約95mあり、4回折れ曲がっています。本丸堀との接続部分は約2mの段差を設けて本丸堀の水位を保つようになっています。また、水路両側は石垣で底の部分にも本丸側約50mにわたり石が敷かれており、底が洗い流されない非常にめずらしい構造になっています。石垣の下方は家康公築城当初の石垣と考えられ、家康公の威風を示す貴重な遺構です。NINOMARU (SECONDARY ENCLOSURE) CANAL
The Ninomaru Canal was constructed for the purpose of connecting the inner moat (Honmarubori) to the centery moat (Ninomarubori) and also to lead the water outward from the inner moat. The canal is about 4.5 meters wide and used to be approximately 4 meters deep and 95 meters long. The canal bends four times. The approximate 2-meter water level difference at the mouth of the inner moat functions to keep the inner moat's water level constant.
The canal is lined with stone walls on both sides. The bed of the canal, which is remarkable in structure, is also constructed of stones and extends approximately 50 meters into the inner moat so as to prevent washout. It is thought that the lower part of the stone walls were constructed when Lord Ieyasu first began construction of his castle and are now a valuable reminder of his reign.