ここ、信光明寺(しんこうみょうじ)の裏手(うらて)の丘は、その昔松平三代信光(のぶみつ)が、この地方の勢力をのばす本拠地にしたといわれる岩津城の跡です。 この城の眼下、円福寺(えんぷくじ)より南にかけて、信光は母の菩提(ぼだい)を弔(とむら)うため、妙心寺(みょうしんじ)を建てましたが、1503年、今川氏の武将、北条早雲(ほうじょうそううん)の兵火に焼かれてしまいました。The Ruins of Iwazu Castle
The ruins of Iwazu Castle were located on the hill behind Shinkomyoji Temple. Matsudaira Nobumitsu, the 3rd lord, occupied the castle as his stronghold for wielding his power in this area. Myoshinji Temple, which he established near the castle to pray to Buddha for the repose of his mother's soul, was destroyed by fire in a battle with Hojo Soun.